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租女友回家过年火爆起价3000元 图


  With the Chinese Spring Festival fast approaching, "rent-a-partner service" has once again become a hot hashtag on Chinese social media.


  Pressed by families to bring their girlfriends or boyfriends back home, some young men and women prefer to rent a total stranger to appease their parents and avoid relatives’ endless questioning.


  According to a recent survey, the problem of "forced marriage" is most serious in central China’s Henan province, and it is very common to rent a girlfriend or boyfriend home in its capital city of Zhengzhou.


  It’s reported that some local matchmaking agencies charge at least 3,000 yuan (US$456) for a decent partner-for-rent during the Spring Festival period.


  However, lawyers warn that such deals are not protected by law, and recent years have witnessed many related disputes.


  Here is a sample of comments on Weibo, China’s Twitter-like social media:


  @hnny321: Good idea to rent a girlfriend! But the service is too expensive! I can’t afford it!


  @star-light: Anyone want to rent a boyfriend? I’m free, if accommodation is provided.

  @star-light: 有人想租男朋友吗?”如果提供住宿的话,我可以免费哦。

  @laowu: Girls are at great risk of sexual abuse! Many cases have proven that. This kind of deal should be forbidden.

  @laowu: 女孩面临着性虐待的极大危险!许多案例已经证明这种交易应该被禁止。

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